Friday, February 19, 2010

North Shore School's, Going for the Gold: A Celebration of Olympic Proportions

Kimberly Leno, age 4, crafting some "Olympic Rings" in center 3, where youngsters create visual art of olympic images.  (Mark Ukena/Sun-Times Media)

Mrs. Shannon Larson demonstrating an understanding between technology and learning activities, showing all the different countries and their flags, that are participating in the Olympics.  (Mark Ukena/Sun-Times Media)

In the science station, kids show awareness of changes and make comparisons of objects that have been observed, here they made instant snow.  From the right:  Emily Ayala, age 5, Angela Vege, age 5, Janette Cruz, ang 4, and Elizabeth Flores, age 5.  (Mark Ukena/Sun-Times Media)

Manuel Zavala, age 3 and Jasmin Santana, age 5, compete against each other playing an altered version of "Curling", allowing them to coordinate movements to perform complex tasks.  (Mark Ukena/Sun-Times Media)

Mrs. G. Lynnie Bailey, Principal, showing students how to use concepts that include number recognition, counting, and one-to-one correspondence, also making comparisons of quantities.  (Mark Ukena/Sun-Times Media)

Mrs. Crawford reads a book to help kids recognize similarities and differences in people, while also recognizing reason for rules, which begins geographical thinking.  (Mark Ukena/Sun-Times Media)

Mrs. Lynnie Bailey, explains to Kevin Salgado, age 4, the purpose of the ring throw while engaging in physical activity helping the child develop basic motor skills and following rules and procedures when participating in activities.  (Mark Ukena/Sun-Times Media)

Mrs. Crawford presents the children with a giant globe ball that grabs their attention immediately and also begins geographical thinking.  (Mark Ukena/Sun-Times Media)

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